Hey there dog lovers! Hope that it's a chilled and relaxing Sunday night out there. Here's another fun fact for you. :) Sit back, relax while reading this and enjoy before the start of a new week ahead.
Everyone knows that the Egyptians loved and held cats in high esteem. Cats were considered sacred creatures to the Egyptians. However, did you know also that Ancient Egyptians revered their dogs? When a pet dog would die, the owners shaved off their eyebrows, smeared mud in their hair, and mourned aloud for days. This goes to show that our furry friend has long been men's best friend even during the time of Pharoahs!
Stay tuned to Dogathon for more fun facts! And remember to follow us on Twitter and Instagram too! Twitter: DogathonTM Instagram: DogathonTM
Cheers~~ :D
Photo credit to: The Poliblog - Human Brain, Dog Brain, Wolf Brain